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Pridi Banomyong International College Admission

Tuesday 18 February 2025, 07:51:30

PBIC - Chinese Studies Program

  • Application period:
  • Number of admission:
  • Paymet period:
  • Applicaton fee:

PBIC - Thai Studies Program

  • Application period:
  • Number of admission:
  • Paymet period:
  • Applicaton fee:

Step to apply:
    Create an account for new applicant.
  1. Update profile
  2. Submit documents : upload score and documents
  3. Choose program : select program and apply
  4. Pay application fee : Print pay-in slip and pay application fee
  5. Check your payment status (2-3 days after payment date)
How to apply


  • Result of English proficiency test

    • IELTS 6
    • TOEFL (IBT) 61 or TOEFL (ITP/PBT) 500
    • TU-GET (PBT) 500 or TU-GET (CBT) 61
    • New SAT (Reading and Writing) 400
    • GSAT (Reading, Writing, and Language) 400
  • Secondary school certificate or its Equivalent

    • Mattayom 6 (or Equivalent) / Grade 12
    • GED
    • GCE A-Level / Cambridge Pre-U
    • NCEA
    • IB
  • Official transscript of secondary school (or its equivalent)

  • ID card or passport (for non-Thai citizen only).

  • Recent 2" photos

  • Paying your application fee

    1. Print your pay-in slip from
    2. Pay the application fee (by using your pay-in slip) at the bank counter of any branches of TTB or other commercial banks (e.g. BBL, SCB, KBANK, KTB, etc.) or pay via the following channels
      • Internet Banking
      • Mobile Banking
      • ATM